
J6 Committee Knelt Over Cassidy Hutchinson’s Testimony

Cassidy Hutchinson, Mark Meadows' former White House Chief of Staff, appeared early this week, and we covered it.

President Trump attempted to enter the Capitol despite Secret Service agents informing him that they would not be going there, and he then lunged at the agent who told him of this, she added. She also said that he was able to grasp The Beast's driving wheel.

The Beast driver is separated from the passengers for security

— GTA Senator Poso (@JackPosobiec) June 28, 2022

One flaw in her claim is that she was not there for any of the events in question, and the information in question was allegedly provided to her by a representative. Even if you trust her tale, she was essentially spreading rumors with what she stated. While this may have been accurate, it was unusual that they had her testify instead of the agents.

Despite Democrats' efforts to make fun of Trump's 74-year-old physical handicap, the story suggested that the president-elect is now strong enough to grab the steering wheel of a presidential limousine while it is moving. Democrats have already mocked and sought to say this about Trump.


Today, January 6th Committee “witness” Cassidy Hutchinson alleged President Trump tried to wrestle the steering wheel of “The Beast” Presidential Limo away from a Secret Service Agent.

There’s only one explanation for this. I break it down in this video:

— Alex Bruesewitz (@alexbruesewitz) June 28, 2022

In what way might they have come to believe that they were the ones to blame? Despite the Committee's best efforts to mislead everyone and claim that it demonstrates anything, it doesn't. Please be cautious of this "armed mob" distortion.

Today's testimony makes clear that Trump wanted to go to the Capitol with the armed mob, despite warnings not to do so from his advisors.

When the Secret Service ruled out the possibility, the former President erupted in anger in the Suburban he was riding in.

— January 6th Committee (@January6thCmte) June 28, 2022

In reality, Trump most likely intended to travel there to assist calm the situation. In other words, if he had planned the disturbance and knew it was coming, why would he walk right into the center of it?

It's critical to remember the contrasts between the Committee's statements and Hutchinson's hearsay testimony.

According to her, the representative informed her that this was a part of the narrative of The Beast. They are now saying that Trump was in a suburb at the time of the event. In that case, which one are you referring to? Whoops. There's a strong probability you didn't get your tale right there, which might lead the remainder of the plot to unravel. So, what precisely is going on here?

This is a dilemma that arises when you depend only on hearsay testimony and hurry to submit material that has not been adequately scrutinized in order to apprehend Trump. The truth stings, as we pointed out when the Secret Service said Bobby Engel, the agent allegedly involved in the automobile accident, and the driver were trying to dispute it. The truth may gore you in this way. The Committee, but in the other hand, overplayed their hand and may have blown themselves up from the start with the falsehoods they told.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on Red State.

Written by Staff Reports

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