
J.D. Vance Defends His Family From Racist Leftists

J.D. Vance, a Republican candidate for the open seat in the United States Senate in Ohio, is running against Tim Ryan, a Democrat who represents the state of Ohio. In his campaign, J.D. Vance has criticized the Democrats, including his challenger, for their attempts to link him to the good substitute hypothesis, which he claims led to assaults on his children of mixed race.

During the debate for the Ohio Senate that took place on Monday night, Vance stated that his children, who are of mixed race, have been subjected to verbal and physical assaults by "scumbags" because Democrats, such as Ryan, are so desperate for political power that they would accuse him of engaging in racism.

When Ryan began to speak, Vance cut him off and stated, "This is disgusting."

I'll tell you precisely what occurs, Tim, Vance responded when Ryan accused him of "peddling it" and the media of falsely portraying him as a proponent of the great replacement hypothesis.

Vance said, I am the father of 3 beautiful mixed infants, and you are so anxious for political power that you will accuse me of indulging in racism, both online and in person.  We have had enough of it!

It is possible to believe in borders without also believing in racism. You don't have to be a racist in order to support your nation, and this just demonstrates how desperate this person is for political power, Vance continued to say. I know you've been in office for 20 years, Tim, and I know it's a sweet gig, but you're so anxious not to have a real job that you'll trash me and slander my family. I know you've been in office for 20 years, and I know it's a sweet gig.  It's a shameful situation.

Donald Trump Jr. posted a video of the conversation to Twitter with the caption, JD Vance just ruined Tim Ryan's political career:

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on Breitbart.

Written by Staff Reports

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