
Obama Shockingly Trashes Democrats In Surprising Podcast Appearance

Speaking on the midterm elections on Friday, the former president who bugged Donald Trump's campaign claimed that Democrats have the wrong kinds of obsessions.

Voters may question, “How is politics even relevant to things I care most deeply about? My family, my kids, work that gives me satisfaction, having fun. Hell, not being a buzzkill.”

 Regarding the fascist cancel culture of the left, he remarked,“And sometimes Democrats are [a buzzkill]. Sometimes people just want to not feel as if they are walking on eggshells, and they want some acknowledgment that life is messy and that all of us, at any given moment, can say things the wrong way, make mistakes.”

This is something that the previous president who spied on Donald Trump's campaign is correct about. Democrats are the ones that purposely cause these situations, which is why they are unable to discuss them.

Democrats favour a lack of housing. Why else would they swarm the nation with millions of unauthorised immigrants and enact absurd environmental regulations that make it prohibitively expensive to construct housing? Democrats are open about their desire for more density. They detest urban areas. They abhor single-family residences. In their failed cities, where they can control us, they want us crammed. Thus, increasing the number of dwellings built and halting illegal immigration are the only solutions to the housing problem. Democrats, however, want to replace Americans with obedient illegal immigrants.

Democrats also think there are enough homes already. The issue is our conceited desire to have our own house, lawn, and garage. Happy people are impossible to manipulate or control. Only unhappy people are subject to your influence and manipulation.

Please don't make me chuckle about the price of gas. Gas at $5 a gallon is a feature, not a bug. Democrats must find a way to lower gas prices when the only option would be to use America's natural resources, which might supply cheap energy for hundreds of years.

Democrats don't desire a wealthy America at all. Another design element that makes people miserable and, hence, simpler to control is scarcity.

A populace that is content and contented does not desire change. Democrats hate the working class and middle class for this reason. And thus, for this reason—in addition to deliberately outsourcing jobs, creating a housing crisis, and driving up gas prices—Democrats are working furiously to destroy the middle class and working class.

Democrats also have our children in their sights. The entire gay and transphobic hoopla is intended to destroy well-rounded, contented children who would otherwise develop into secure, independent adults.

Democrats oppose having a population that is secure and self-sufficient. They do not desire a second Generation X. The freaks who support Democrats are unhappy, unstable neurotics who believe they are a victimized minority. And what better way to do it than by pre-adult sex changes that butcher the body, permanent puberty blockers, hypersexualization of children before they are ready, and "fat acceptance"?

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on Breit Bart.

Written by Staff Reports

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