
This New Data DESTROYS Biden’s ‘Jim Crow 2.0’ Narrative

The law passed by Georgia's Republican legislature and signed by its governor, Brian Kemp, made it harder for people to cheat in the elections.

In response, President Biden called the new law "Jim Crow" and urged MLB to remove the All-Star game from Atlanta. The league did so based on a lie, and many corporations signed an open statement opposing the law.

Social media users have used their platforms to spread false claims about the law. The law was passed by Georgia's Republican legislature, and its former Democratic candidate for governor, Stacey Abrams, claimed that it proved that the state's Republicans were racist.

In 2022, the primary election in Georgia had broken records. The state's election security law helped boost voter turnout numbers. It also refuted the claims made by celebrities, including Biden, about the law's potential to suppress African-American voters. The midterm election the following year saw similar results. This demonstrates how, through laws like these, people can have more confidence that their vote will be counted fairly.

Despite the high voter turnout numbers, Democrats in Georgia and other states claimed that there was still a lot of work to be done to ensure that African-American voters were not suppressed.

Democrats have been lying about how the election security law in Georgia affected African-American voters.

In a survey conducted by the University of Georgia, the voters of the state were asked about their experiences in the previous election, which was the first full cycle following the election security law's implementation. The survey included over 1,200 Georgia residents who self-reported that they voted in the general election in 2022.

The results of the survey revealed that despite the fears of Democrats about the law's potential impact on African-American voters, Republicans were able to deliver on their promise to make it harder for people to cheat.

Almost all of Georgia's voters had no problem casting their ballots under the state's new election security law. In another area where Democrats had claimed that the law was affecting African-American voters, 94.7 percent of the state's voters reported that their wait times in the polls were less than 30 minutes.

In total, 99 percent of the voters said they felt safe when they went to the polls, while 72 percent stated that their experience in the 2022 election was excellent. Among the other voters, 72.7 percent were white, while 72.6 percent were African-American.

Almost 15 percent of the voters stated that their experience voting in the previous election was easier than it was in 2020, while 76.4 percent of the respondents did not think that the situation had changed. Among the African-American voters who were asked about the new law, only 19.1 percent claimed that it made it harder to vote.

The racial disparity that Democrats had claimed would happen as a result of secure elections has not materialized.

The UGA poll showed that almost all Georgians, 89.7 percent, are very or somewhat confident that their vote will count in 2022. This includes 94.3 percent of African-American voters and almost all of the state's white voters.

Almost all of Georgia voters said that they were satisfied with the way the ballots were counted. They also noted that it was easy to cast their ballot in the state.

Despite the results of the survey, it is still not clear if the race-baiting tactics of Democrats will be able to end. One of the only ways for Stacey Abrams to admit that elections are fair is if she wins the governor's race. The UGA poll also showed that the state's election integrity law was very effective in preventing illegal activities. This is a great example of how states can implement similar laws in order to make it easier for people to vote.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on Town Hall.

Written by Staff Reports

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