
Ex-MSNBC Host Calls For Civil War In Insane Anti-Gun Rant

Keith Olbermann's call for an economic civil war against red states to combat gun violence has been met with widespread shock and outrage. His proposal was regarded as un-American and extreme, and it highlighted the anger and frustration of the left.

A prominent figure in the awakened mob, Keith Olbermann called for an economic civil war against red states over the issue of gun violence.

According to Townhall, Keith Olbermann is alive. He used to be a prominent television personality, including on ESPN and Current TV. He took to Twitter to share his thoughts on reducing gun violence.

He argued that red states would starve if they were not fed properly. He also called on the intelligence community to leak damaging information about Donald Trump in order to help him leave office.

One of the first responses to Olbermann's tweet was from a user named Kimberly. She stated that it would be a good time.

Olbermann has a long history of making incredibly extreme and unprovoked statements against conservatives. One of his most recent rants was about the family of Elon Musk.

According to Fox News, Olbermann was suspended for using his Twitter account to attack the family of Elon Musk. He had been an outspoken critic of many people, and this ban seemed to have angered him.

His Twitter account was immediately deleted after he called out Elon Musk. He had also criticized the dog charity he used to run.

He compared Musk to the fictional mob bosses in the movie "The Godfather."

According to Musk, these individuals violated the terms of Twitter by posting his exact location.

Musk later clarified that these were only temporary suspensions, and they weren't intended to last for more than a week.

The idea of an economic civil war against red states was condemned by many people, as it exhibited the un-American hate speech being delivered by the liberal policies and mob. Olbermann believes that the intelligence community should leak damaging information about Donald Trump in order to help him leave office.

The idea of a civil war between red states and the rest of the country is beyond reproach, and it further shows the extreme and irrational behavior that exists in left-wing circles. Hopefully, this toxic rhetoric won't become mainstream, and the media outlets that are awake would be having a meltdown if Trump says anything similar.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on NEXT.

Written by Staff Reports

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