President Trump is finally releasing the JFK assassination files after decades of government secrecy. But what’s really in them? Glenn Beck says these documents aren’t about who killed Kennedy. They’re about what the government has been hiding all along. The truth could shake our trust in the system and expose secrets both old and new.
The first big question is whether the files expose a “Deep State” from the 1960s. Records show FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover worked to shape the public story right after Oswald’s death. Some files even mention plans to spy on Soviet and Cuban embassies. This makes you wonder… were shadowy forces pulling strings back then like they do today?
Next, did Lee Harvey Oswald have help? Files talk about Oswald’s mysterious trip to Mexico City before the shooting. He visited Communist embassies there, but some records about that trip were “lost.” The FBI just found 2,400 new pages they never gave investigators before. Why hide this for 60 years?
The third secret might be the “illusion of competence.” Hoover’s memos show chaos after the assassination. Agencies didn’t share info, and warnings were ignored. If they couldn’t protect a president then, how much can we trust them now? The files prove government failures aren’t new—they’re baked into the system.
Finally, were they hiding the truth to stop a “domino effect”? Files mention wild theories like Soviet revenge plots or Castro hit squads. Releasing all this back then might have sparked panic or even war. But keeping it secret just bred more lies. The “national security” excuse let the swamp keep control.
Trump’s release faces pushback. Agencies still want to redact parts of the files. FBI insiders say this is “Deep State bull.” But Trump’s team warns the records might “suddenly wind up online” anyway. The swamp hates sunlight, and these files are a floodlight.
The Kennedys are split. RFK Jr. praises Trump’s transparency, calling it a “great move.” But JFK’s grandson says it’s using his grandpa as a “political prop.” Either way, the truth belongs to the people, not political dynasties.
This isn’t just about 1963. It’s about 2025. If we learn how they lied then, we can demand honesty now. Trump’s betting Americans can handle the truth. The files don’t just rewrite history—they give us tools to fix the future.