Trump Takes Aim at DOE, Empowers States to Fix Education

President Trump took bold action this week to put power back where it belongs – in the hands of parents and local communities. He signed an executive order to start dismantling the failing Department of Education, a bloated bureaucracy that’s wasted taxpayer money for decades. This common sense move aims to free schools from Washington’s grip so states can fix education without federal interference.

The order begins unraveling Jimmy Carter’s disastrous 1979 creation that tied our schools to radical agendas instead of reading and math. Under Biden, the department pushed gender ideology and diversity programs that distracted teachers from real learning. Trump’s plan stops these woke experiments and refocuses on teaching basics.

Despite hysterical claims from teachers’ unions, the White House made clear student loans and help for disabled kids will stay protected. What’s really ending is the nonsense – like spending $10 million a year on a PR team for bureaucrats who’ve never set foot in a classroom. Test scores don’t lie: 70% of eighth graders can’t read properly after years of throwing money at this broken system.

Republican leaders applauded the move as long overdue. Governors like Texas’ Greg Abbott stood with Trump, ready to prove states know their students better than DC pencil-pushers. New Hampshire’s education chief said shifting control means money finally reaches teachers and textbooks instead of being lost in red tape.

Of course, liberal politicians rushed to defend their failing status quo. Chuck Schumer called it “authoritarian” to let parents have a say – showing how out of touch Democrats are. Union bosses threatened lawsuits, but hardworking Americans know protecting bad schools helps nobody except radical activists on the payroll.

The facts are clear: schools improved for 200 years without federal meddling. Since Washington took over, costs tripled while scores plummeted. In Baltimore, entire high schools had zero math-proficient students last year. Trump’s order begins reversing this tragedy by trusting moms and dads over union-approved lesson plans.

While the DC machine fights to keep its power, red states are ready to lead. Places like Florida and Iowa will show how local control creates excellence, just like top-performing countries Trump praised. Let coastal elites keep their failing systems – heartland America will teach the old-fashioned way, withouttransgender indoctrination or critical race theory.

This victory for parents comes after years of being ignored. No more forcing kids into schools that put politics over multiplication tables. No more tolerating classrooms where pronouns matter more than phonics. Trump’s order starts draining the swamp that stole education from families – and the best is yet to come.

Written by Keith Jacobs

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Trump Takes Bold Step to End Education Department’s Failed Experiment

Trump Takes Aim at Education Department in Bold Federal Overhaul Move