Sen. Tom Cotton: Kamala Harris Fails to Meet Job Expectations!

**Border Battles: The Challenges of Illegal Immigration and National Security**

As the clock ticks down to the upcoming election, the conversation surrounding illegal immigration and national security is escalating. Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas recently took center stage on a conservative news show, engaging in a heated discussion regarding the repercussions of the current administration’s policies. With only 51 days left before voters head to the polls, it’s an opportune moment to reflect on just how the situation at the U.S. border has evolved—and how it’s affecting Americans across the country.

Senator Cotton started off by addressing a shocking claim made by Vice President Kamala Harris during a recent debate. Harris purported that there were no members of the U.S. military deployed in active combat zones, a statement that would raise eyebrows if only it were based on reality. As Cotton pointed out, many troops are currently stationed across the globe in volatile regions like Iraq and Syria, facing threats from adversaries such as Iranian-backed terrorist groups. In his view, Harris’s assertion reflects a worrying trend of misinformation that not only undermines national security but also showcases an overall lack of awareness among our leaders about America’s military presence.

The senator’s comments shifted towards the broader implications of foreign policy under Harris and President Joe Biden. He expressed concern for what would follow if she assumed further leadership roles post-election. The world has witnessed rising conflict during their administration, and Cotton warned that it might get worse should Harris remain in power. With missile threats surfacing from groups like the Houthis in Yemen, who are reportedly receiving assistance from Iran, Americans are left to wonder what kind of foreign policy strategy would unfold if the current administration continues to attempt resolutions that have long gone unaddressed.

One of the most alarming aspects of the current immigration crisis is the surge of gang activity in cities across the United States, made worse by a lack of border security. Cotton brought attention to the rise of criminal organizations, notably the infamous Aragua gang from Venezuela, taking root in cities like New York and Texas. Reports of these gang members overtaking hotels and threatening local residents are becoming all too common. The senator was quick to point out that the open border policies championed by Harris and Biden are paving the way for these dangerous groups—reminiscent of the chaos caused by MS-13 and its ruthless activities.

Despite the rising threats at the border and in American communities, mainstream media outlets seem to overlook the gravity of the situation. As Cotton noted, media bias often protects politicians like Harris from being held accountable for their inaction and the chaos they have allowed to fester. This selective reporting only serves to amplify the frustration felt by many citizens, particularly in areas that are directly affected by the influx of illegal immigration and crime.

In conclusion, as the nation gears up for a crucial election, the conversation surrounding illegal immigration and national security continues to be front and center. Senator Cotton’s insights remind us of the pressing need for a strong, informed government ready to tackle these challenges head-on. Whether through better border security, a steadfast foreign policy, or a commitment to public safety, it is imperative for voters to consider which path they want the nation to take moving forward. After all, voting is not just about what happens inside the walls of Washington D.C., but about the safety and well-being of every American.

Written by Keith Jacobs

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