A San Francisco street preacher stood his ground when a transgender activist pulled what looked like a gun on him. Pastor Kevin Kihara was preaching about traditional values when the activist threatened him. The shocking moment shows how far some will go to silence beliefs they don’t like.
The preacher kept his cool as the angry activist waved the weapon in his face. He told the attacker, “God bless you,” showing true Christian forgiveness. While the left pushes radical ideas, this pastor refused to back down from speaking God’s truth. His courage in the face of danger should inspire all believers.
Some wonder if the gun was real or just a fake meant to scare him. Either way, the threat shows the growing intolerance against people of faith. Liberals claim to support “tolerance,” but they attack anyone who disagrees with their agenda. This preacher’s bravery exposes their hypocrisy.
The video proves that standing for biblical values will make you a target. The activist’s violent reaction proves the left can’t handle honest debate. They’d rather silence conservatives with threats than have a real conversation. This is what happens when society rejects God’s design.
Pastor Kihara didn’t call the police or seek revenge. He kept preaching love, even for those who hate him. That’s the power of faith in action. While radicals rage, true Christians respond with grace. The world needs more bold leaders like him, not less.
The incident happened in broad daylight, showing how lawless cities like San Francisco have become. Liberal policies let crime soar while punishing good people. If pastors can’t preach safely on public streets, what’s next? This is the sad result of Democrat leadership.
Critics say the preacher was “hateful” for stating basic truths. But telling someone to embrace how God made them isn’t hate—it’s love. The real hate came from the activist who chose violence over dialogue. The left calls good evil and evil good.
This story isn’t just about one preacher. It’s about a culture war threatening our freedoms. Every day, conservatives face attacks for believing in truth. But as Pastor Kihara showed, standing firm in faith will always triumph over hate.