
Over 1.3 Million Twitter Users Left in the First Week After Elon Musk Purchased the Company

Following Elon Musk's $44 billion acquisition of Twitter, the platform lost around 1.3 million users in just one week.

The MIT Technology Review noted that the number of accounts that were suspended or deactivated by Twitter was more than double what it usually is. According to the report, the platform deactivated around 877,000 accounts on October 27 and 497,000 on November 1.

Christopher Bouzy, the creator of Bot Sentinel, said that the number of accounts being deactivated or suspended by Twitter had increased.

He said that the figures were based on the number of accounts that were suspended or deleted after Musk took over the company. He also noted that the number of daily active users of the platform was about 240 million.

He noted that the number of people using Twitter had reached an all-time high. He also said that he was hoping that the platform's servers would not melt.

The MIT Technology Review reported that the Bot Sentinel platform had detected 11,535 accounts that had been suspended or deleted by Twitter since October 27.

According to the report, 6,824 accounts were suspended, which were allegedly for reasons such as inauthenticity or for violating the site's rules.

In the week before the acquisition by Musk, 5958 accounts were suspended or deactivated. This suggests a significant increase in the number of accounts that were lost after the deal.

According to Bouzy, the number of accounts that were deactivated or suspended by Twitter had increased due to people protesting the acquisition of the platform by Musk.

In April, the world's richest man offered to buy Twitter. In his SEC filing, Musk stated that he wanted to transform the company into a private company. He noted that Twitter had tremendous potential.

After months of legal wrangling and constant fits and starts, he finally acquired Twitter on October 27.

Since he acquired Twitter, Musk has reportedly laid off around half of the company's workforce. He also noted that advertisers were leaving the platform.

In response, Twitter introduced a new subscription service called Twitter Blue, which will include the blue checkmark and will have better ads. It also said that it would soon allow users to post longer videos.

On Saturday, Musk confirmed on Twitter that an Android update was in the works. He also noted that the blue checkmark would disappear from the status of current users within a couple of months.

Due to the increasing number of people using the platform, it's important that Twitter makes changes to improve its revenue. In his Friday post, Musk noted that the company would be charging $8 for a monthly subscription.

A former Twitter engineer claimed that he was fired by the company after he created a tool that was designed to help workers save important documents in the event of mass layoffs.

On Monday, Emmanuel Cornet, an engineer, filed a complaint with a labor relations board stating that he was engaging in protected activity by sharing the software on a Twitter channel.

Under the U.S. labor law, protected activities allow workers to take certain actions without fear of retaliation.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on The Daily Cable.

Written by Staff Reports

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