Guy Benson Calls Out Outrageous Double Standards in Today’s Politics!

In the ever-dynamic world of politics, where every word, tweet, and interview carries the weight of a thousand campaign ads, one question looms large on the minds of many: Where is Vice President Kamala Harris? As the clock ticks down toward election day, she has been notably absent from the media spotlight, choosing to engage far less than her counterpart, Donald Trump. This absence is raising eyebrows and concerns among voters who are itching to hear more from the candidate at the top of the Democratic ticket.

Kamala Harris has been atop the Democratic ladder for nine weeks now, and in that time, she has managed to hold exactly zero news conferences. Yes, you read that right—zero! It’s as if she is pulling the ultimate magic trick, making her public presence disappear just when voters want to know more. While her senior communication advisor reassured folks that this is merely a case of being too busy to chat with the press, many are left scratching their heads. After all, early voting has already begun, and is it really too much to ask for a little face time with the voters?

Critics have pointed out that Harris’ schedule seems rather truncated, conveniently aligning with a time when she should be ramping up her public presence. Despite claims that she’s been busy with campaign work, the imminent election date looks less like a time for behind-the-scenes strategizing and more like a crucial opportunity gone awry. Voters aren’t just interested in soundbites; they want to know specifics about how Harris plans to tackle the burning issues of inflation, healthcare, and more. So far, her radio interviews and one-on-one national TV chats seem to be generating more questions than answers.

Is it fear of press scrutiny that’s keeping Harris under wraps? Many analysts are questioning whether her campaign team has opted for an approach of avoidance rather than engagement. While Trump’s public appearances keep America buzzing, Harris continues to sidestep regular interviews, suggesting that maybe her campaign is under a bit of a shroud of secrecy. In political circles, this kind of strategy can be a high-stakes game, but for voters, it may just seem like she’s hiding from the important questions.

Moreover, with all the talk about double standards, it can feel like Harris is being held to a different standard than her male counterparts. Some argue that the media is certainly eager to know specifics about her policies, and yet they are often met with silence. Perhaps the underlying concern here revolves around whether voters are truly ready to support a woman at the very top of the ticket. If that’s the case, Harris may want to step up to the plate to prove herself before too many more nights go by without a peep from her.

As election day draws near, with just 43 days left and a lot of voters with plenty on their minds, it’s high time Kamala Harris came out of her media bunker. Whether she’s overwhelmed by her busy schedule or simply reluctant to face the music, Americans deserve to know what she stands for before casting their ballots. After all, a little transparency never hurt; in fact, it’s practically an American pastime. The voters are waiting—and they’re curious about whether their Vice President will be leading them into the future or simply making a vanishing act.

Written by Keith Jacobs

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