
Ghislaine Maxwell Says Epstein Was Murdered In Prison

In a television interview, Maxwell, who is serving a 20-year sentence for her role in Jeffrey Epstein's sex trafficking ring, claimed that the financier was murdered in prison. She stated that, according to an autopsy, Epstein did not commit suicide.

The financier, who was facing charges for allegedly trafficking minors for sex, died in New York in August 2019. Although the cause of his death has been ruled as suicide, the conspiracy theories surrounding his death have been growing.

"According to Maxwell, Epstein was murdered. In 2019, a pathologist hired by the financier's brother stated that there were multiple fractures in Epstein's neck, which could have been caused by a suicide."

Despite the various theories about the death of Epstein, the US Justice Department has not released any concrete evidence regarding the incident. It conducted an investigation into his death over a year ago.

Two prison guards were charged in 2019 for allegedly failing to monitor Epstein. The charges were later dropped in 2021 after they completed their community service work. As part of their settlement, the prosecutors agreed not to pursue the case against them.

During the interview, Maxwell stated that she regrets having met Epstein. She also said that she was unaware of how "awful" he was when they first started their relationship in the 1990s.

In her high-profile trial, which took place in New York, Maxwell was accused of being a key player in Epstein's scheme to have young girls perform sexual acts on him. They cited her as the key.

During the interview, which was aired on Sunday night, Maxwell also disputed a photo that was taken during the early 2000s that showed Prince Andrew with Virginia Giuffre. Giuffre, who was one of Epstein's victims, has claimed that she had been forced to work as a sex slave for Maxwell and the prince. She filed a lawsuit against the royal. She said that she was a minor when they had engaged in sexually explicit activities.

The prince, who has maintained his innocence, settled the case last year. The photo, which was reportedly taken in 2001, is said to be crucial evidence in his case.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on Trending Politics News.

Written by Staff Reports

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