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Divided Faith: Can AI Jesus Lead Us Closer to God or Deter Us?

The idea of an “AI Jesus” has sparked heated debate among Christians as Easter approaches. Some churches and tech groups are experimenting with artificial intelligence to create chatbots and avatars that mimic Jesus. These AI programs answer questions about faith, quote Bible verses, and even offer spiritual advice. Supporters say it’s a modern way to reach younger generations who spend time online. Critics argue it risks distorting the true message of Christ and could lead people away from genuine faith.

One example is a Twitch channel where an AI Jesus answers questions 24/7 about salvation, forgiveness, and God’s nature. The chatbot draws from biblical texts but admits it can’t predict the future or perform miracles. While some find it entertaining or thought-provoking, others worry users might mistake its responses for sound theology. A Catholic chapel in Rome recently tested an AI Jesus avatar that had over 900 conversations in two months, attracting both young and old visitors.

In Switzerland, a church caused controversy by using an AI Jesus during confessionals. The machine offers spiritual guidance, but many believers find the concept unsettling. They fear it replaces the human connection essential to pastoral care and undermines the role of the Holy Spirit in guiding believers. Traditionalists stress that no algorithm can replicate the transformative power of a personal relationship with Christ.

Church leaders are divided. Some see AI as a tool to spread the Gospel in digital spaces. Andre Ataria of Campus Crusade for Christ argues technology can be “redeemed for God’s glory” if used wisely. Others, like Gordon Robertson of CBN, warn against letting devices overshadow time with God. He cautions that relying on AI for spiritual answers might weaken prayer lives and create a shallow faith based on convenience rather than conviction.

The dangers are clear. AI lacks a human soul and can’t understand suffering, repentance, or grace. Its responses are limited to programmed data, which may contain errors or omit key doctrines. For instance, an AI Jesus might avoid tough questions about sin or judgment to keep conversations positive. This “feel-good” approach could dilute the Gospel’s call to repentance and holiness.

Conservatives point to historical parallels, like debates over religious icons. While images were once defended as teaching tools, they sometimes became idols. Similarly, AI Jesus might shift focus from the living God to a digital substitute. The Bible commands believers to worship God alone, not creations of human hands—or code.

Despite the risks, some think AI could start meaningful conversations. Younger people skeptical of organized religion might engage with a chatbot before stepping into a church. Yet this requires careful oversight to ensure messages align with Scripture. The challenge is balancing innovation with biblical fidelity, ensuring tech serves the Church rather than steering it off course.

This Easter, as Christians celebrate Christ’s resurrection, the debate reminds us that faith thrives through personal encounters—not algorithms. While AI might offer temporary engagement, eternal hope comes only through the risen Savior, not a machine. Churches must weigh tech’s potential against its pitfalls, prioritizing discipleship over digital trends.

Written by Keith Jacobs

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