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Asbury Revival Ignites Miracles and Transforms Lives in 16 Days

The Asbury Revival showed God’s power in a big way. It started when a preacher named Zach Meerkreebs gave a simple sermon at a college chapel. Students stayed to pray, and soon thousands came to worship nonstop for 16 days. No fancy shows or loud speeches—just people humbly seeking Jesus.

Zach’s own story is a miracle. He grew up Jewish and angry at God until he found Christ at 16. His journey from doubt to faith reminds us that God can change any heart. At Asbury, he saw broken lives healed, addictions broken, and even physical miracles happen right before his eyes.

People were healed in ways doctors can’t explain. A woman with a leg injury threw off her cast after prayer. A basketball player gave his life to Jesus, then prayed for someone else—and their tumors vanished! This wasn’t about hype or emotion. It was raw, real faith in action.

The revival had no big-name leaders or flashy programs. Students led worship with guitars and open Bibles. Old and young, every race, united in prayer. This is how church should be—no divisions, just Christ at the center. It’s a rebuke to churches that chase trends over truth.

Critics asked where the preaching was. But the Holy Spirit didn’t need a script. Repentance flowed naturally as people met God face-to-face. This outpouring proves that when we step back, God steps in. It’s a lesson in humility for a culture obsessed with self-promotion.

This wasn’t the first time Asbury saw revival. In the 1970s, a similar move sparked the Jesus Movement, which swept America. History shows that true revival starts small but changes nations. Asbury’s fire could light the match for another Great Awakening if we let it spread.

The world took notice. Media outlets from everywhere covered the miracle. In a time of chaos, Asbury became a beacon of hope. It’s a reminder that our deepest problems aren’t political—they’re spiritual. Only God can fix what’s broken in hearts and homes.

Two years later, the impact still ripples. Lives were permanently changed, not just stirred up. Families healed, callings discovered, and faith reignited. The Asbury Revival proves that when God’s people get serious about prayer, Heaven shows up in power. No government program can do that.

Written by Keith Jacobs

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