A number of themes are covered in our site which includes breaking news, conversation, and analysis on a variety of issues. Our goal is to narrow our focus to topics that are relevant to conservatives and their supporters.
The void left by many people’s loss of faith in the supposedly unbiased nature of older traditional newspapers and television networks is quickly being filled by us, and our site is quickly establishing itself as a reliable source of news and information for the stories and points of view that have gone untold by the establishment media.
No political parties or specific candidates are endorsed in our news coverage. Our news section is always up to date with the most recent information and offers the facts as they are.
Our news section is always up to date with the most recent information and offers the facts as they are. Our editorial area is where we may express our support for philosophies or specific persons who we feel are deserving of our attention.
Providing a clear picture of the facts to our readers, regardless of our own opinions, is even more vital than supporting policies with which we may or may not agree editorially.
Regardless matter whether or not the facts are in agreement with our points of view, we must report them properly. On many issues, we simply let the facts to speak for themselves, allowing our readers to draw their own judgments based on the information presented.
On many issues, we simply let the facts to speak for themselves, allowing our readers to draw their own judgments based on the information presented.
In our capacity as a values-based news organization, we believe that it is vital for us to be open and transparent about our views, as well as how these convictions may impact our coverage priorities and decisions.
We believe that we should be upfront about the ideals that we adhere to, rather than hiding behind the guise of “unbiased” reporting and reporting and hiding behind the pretense of “objectivity.”
As a media outlet with its origins firmly planted in the framework of a mainstream media that in general advocates liberal political principles, we make editorial judgments to present stories that fill coverage gaps left by traditional news sources.
As Christians, we are dedicated to defending traditional Christian principles as outlined in the Bible and other authoritative sources.
They include beliefs in the fall of man, the exclusivity of Jesus, the need for government intervention to keep men from harming one another, the foundational value of every human life — including those who are unborn, a repudiation of racism in all its forms, and the definition of marriage as a union between a man and one woman, among other things.
Politically, we embrace conservative positions on the vast majority of topics, including abortion, national defense, limited government, gay marriage, tax policy, and individual liberty, to name a few.