Kamala’s Cringe: Classic Video Resurfaces, Watch What She Says!

**Kamala Harris: The Queen of Self-Promotion at Los Angeles Jail**

In a turn of events that could make anyone scratch their head, a classic video featuring Vice President Kamala Harris has resurfaced, and it’s not exactly winning any fan awards. This particular gem features her speaking to a group of inmates at a Los Angeles jail, offering her ‘wisdom’ on being a role model. If there was ever a time to bring out the eye-rolls, this is it.

During her talk, Harris goes on and on about her numerous historical “firsts.” She touts her accomplishments as if the inmates are gathered there for an award show instead of dealing with the realities of life behind bars. The inmates were likely expecting a motivational speech, but instead, they got a one-woman show focused mostly on her achievements. It’s a classic case of putting the spotlight firmly on oneself—something Harris seems to excel at, much to the dismay of her audience.

Despite the solemn setting, Kamala appears to revel in talking about being the “first woman attorney general of California” and other accolades, completely missing the cue that perhaps this talk should have focused on the inmates and their struggles, not her seemingly endless need for applause. The culmination of her monologue about the “role model club” can only be described as cringe-worthy. Instead of sparking hope, her chatter likely left the inmates wishing they had heard anything else—perhaps even a lecture on the correct way to roll a burrito.

Critics are quick to pounce on this episode, noting that the Vice President’s ability to make even a jail visit about herself is astonishing. It’s as if no matter the audience, the innate need for self-aggrandizement shines through. It feels like a bad episode of a sitcom where the main character just doesn’t understand the meaning of the word ‘audience.’ Isn’t the point supposed to be uplifting those in hard times? Not turning a jailhouse gathering into an infomercial for Kamala Harris, Superwoman.

This eyebrow-raising footage, dating back to 2016, is just further proof that Harris has a knack for putting herself front and center. Whether it’s in a room full of inmates or during official engagements, she consistently finds a way to turn conversations back to herself. Perhaps this is a reflection of her extensive political experience, or perhaps it’s just an inability to understand the needs of her audience. Ultimately, whatever intention she may have had has likely gone down the drain faster than a plate of soggy nachos.

As for us mere mortals watching from the sidelines, one can only shake their head in disbelief. In a world where leaders should inspire, Kamala Harris seems to turn inspiration into a self-serving agenda, leaving everyone asking: Who exactly is she trying to impress? The inmates? Or perhaps the world, as she awkwardly stands on her soapbox, unwilling to step down from her pedestal of self-importance. With such a captivating display of self-promotion, there’s just one question that begs to be asked: Is there a role model club for those who are completely oblivious to irony? Because if there is, Kamala just might be the queen.

Written by Keith Jacobs

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