Lara Trump Slams ABC News for ‘Great Disservice’ to America!

**Lara Trump Talks Trumps’ Debate Decision: A Comedy of Errors or a Wise Move?**

In the political arena, debates can feel like heavyweight boxing matches, and the latest showdown featuring Donald Trump and Kamala Harris certainly fit that mold—except with more theatrics and less actual boxing. Lara Trump, the co-chairman of the Republican National Committee, weighed in on the choice of the former president to skip another potential debate with the Vice President. She expressed that this decision speaks volumes, hinting that it might not be entirely due to broken glass and bruised egos.

Trump’s decision to not dive back into the debate shark tank resonates after observing the last debate, where it felt like an all-out blitz against him rather than a fair exchange of ideas. According to Lara Trump, it appeared as if the debate was designed as a three-against-one ambush rather than a genuine opportunity for discussion. She noticed that, instead of focusing on policy proposals and substantive conversations about the nation’s future, the debate turned into a full assault on Trump’s character. This tactical shift led many viewers, especially independents, to question who they could trust in the political landscape.

While the rest of the political world was hooked onto the debates, Trump has focused on direct communication with Americans. Podcasts, rallies, and town halls are where he believes he can do the most good. This strategy allows Trump to connect with voters without the filtering effect of mainstream media. If the debates were a professional wrestling match, Lara claimed, Trump clearly wasn’t willing to step into the ring with three opponents on the other team. Instead, he chooses to stroll through the crowd, taking his message straight to the people.

Lara Trump also criticized the so-called “performances” of President Harris, arguing that she didn’t deliver solid answers or a clear vision for the country. Instead, viewers heard flowery language and rallying cries, but little in the way of actionable policy. She contended that many voters are still grappling with the fallout from years of the Harris/Biden administration, feeling less safe and stretched thin financially. Lara pointed out that comparison is a powerful tool, and numbers from post-debate surveys showed that voters remember their golden days under Trump’s presidency fondly.

The exit from this debate stage raises questions about Harris’s ability to defend her policy positions. Lara noted that viewers were left yearning for questions regarding her previous stances, like her fluctuating opinions on fracking and healthcare. As the debate went on, questions about Harris’s radical left policies were sidelined. In the meantime, independent voters were left scratching their heads, wondering why they should trust Harris when there was no clear indication of how she’d criticize her predecessor’s policies or pivot to the center.

In the end, Lara Trump’s take on the political scene is clear: If debates are an opportunity to broaden one’s platform, perhaps it’s better to skip the show and go for the real connection with voters. While some may find it puzzling that the former president won’t step into the ring, fans of the Trump legacy might see a sound strategy behind staying out of a debate that seems more dramatic than dialectic. In the world of politics, sometimes the best moves are the ones that don’t get you hit below the belt.

Written by Keith Jacobs

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