
PETA Is Concerned About the Navy’s Sheep

You wouldn't really anticipate hearing that the Navy keeps sheep, would you? And even if you are aware of the sheep that are being kept by this section of the military, you still believe that they are performing all of their duties correctly. It would appear not, considering how PETA is reacting to the whole situation.

In case you were unaware, the United States Department of Defense has been conducting research on sheep for quite some time now. Some of the sheep will use the bases as grazing ground. However, in the majority of these cases, the sheep are utilized in various testing processes. More particular, the Navy wants to learn more about decompression sickness and how to treat it so that they may better protect its sailors.

Decompression sickness, sometimes known as "the bends," occurs when the body ascends from pressurized conditions, such as when a diver ascends from the depths of the ocean to the surface, where the pressure is significantly lower. It has the potential to lead to the formation of bubbles in the muscles, organs, and blood.

San Diego is the location of certain ongoing experiments. As a method of accurately simulating the conditions faced by naval divers, the Navy plans to subject sheep to high-pressure chambers.

PETA, on the other hand, has taken action.

In an interview with Military Times, Shalin Gala, vice president of international laboratory methods, stated that The United States Navy is literally squeezing the life out of sheep and other animals in crude and painful decompression tests that only serve to leave the United States further behind the rest of the world.

They have even gone so far as to call on the Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, to put a halt to the "antiquated tests" that are a waste of money and put animal lives in danger.
Many of the sheep who were used in the studies developed symptoms such as crippling joint pain, chest pain, paralysis, and seizures. Others vomited and had chest pain.
The actions that the Navy is taking are nothing groundbreaking. In point of fact, the military branches of both the United Kingdom and France have conducted research projects that are very comparable to one another. The only distinction is that animal testing was banned in both the United Kingdom and France more than a decade ago.

If the Navy were to make the transition to androids, AI, and other technologies, we have the technology that would make it possible for them to obtain even more data. For instance, contrary to what NASA did almost half a century ago, SpaceX does not plan to launch monkeys into space. Instead, they are employing highly sophisticated robots that are equipped with sensors in order to gather information regarding the various pressure points and other factors.

What is being developed for use in space may also find application in military settings. The issue at hand is financial.

Nevertheless, Rear Admiral BL Gillingham, who is the Navy's Surgeon General, is going to argue. While the Navy makes every effort to engage in research that does not require the use of animals, there are still critical areas of study that remain impossible without the use of animal model research. [Citation needed] While the Navy makes every effort to engage in research that does not require the use of animals.

The issue boils down to one of determining what is and is not compassionate treatment. Are the sheep being cared for in an appropriate manner? PETA would say no.

Additionally, this is not the first time that PETA or other animal rights organizations have taken aim at the military. A petition was submitted in 2010, which ultimately resulted in a criminal inquiry being opened. Why? Experiments relating to decompression sickness were being carried out further.

Both the United Kingdom and France have made the switch to using humans because they believe it allows them to acquire more accurate and informed results.

Even though PETA tends to exaggerate some aspects of certain issues, it appears that in this case, they may have a valid argument.

If our military is supposed to be the greatest in the world, then shouldn't we be able to provide better testing that is also more humane so that we can get even better results?

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on American People Daily.

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