
Biden’s Health Get Questioned By RNC


Currently, the RNC is debating Joe Biden's eligibility to serve as president. Biden held a meeting with Israeli President Isaac Herzog earlier in the day, the Republican National Committee (RNC) confirmed in a tweet on Thursday. Biden looked to extend his hand even though no one was present to shake it. WTRBYzf0TWKQ

The Republican National Committee's provided video of Biden's most recent mistakes hints at a decline in both his mental and physical health. In one tweet, he can be seen becoming lost as he leaves the stage. In a another video, Biden claimed that he swallowed his own spit improperly while coughing into the microphone. /status/1547581961828323331?s=20&t=0efG9EHDn9pHU6AseNrHtA

Despite the fact that it has been four months since his previous stand-alone press conference, Biden only responded to four questions during his news conference on Thursday, according to the RNC.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on

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