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Asbury Revival: A Bold Stand for Faith in a Skeptical World

The Asbury Revival showed the power of faith in a world that often turns away from God. What started as a regular chapel service at a small Christian college in Kentucky turned into 16 days of nonstop worship, prayer, and miracles. Students stayed behind to pray after a sermon by Zach Meerkreebs, a coach and part-time preacher. Soon, thousands flocked to the campus, hungry for a touch from God.

Zach Meerkreebs, the man who preached that first service, says humility was key to the revival. He didn’t use fancy speeches or lights—just a call to love God and others. His message sparked a movement where young people put pride aside and focused on Jesus. This kind of old-school faith reminds us that real change starts on our knees, not through loud protests or social media trends.

Miracles happened every day during the revival. A girl with a painful stomach disease was healed instantly. A basketball player who didn’t know Jesus gave his life to God—then prayed for a sick person, and their tumors vanished. These stories prove that God still moves when people seek Him honestly, without distractions or agendas.

The revival spread fast, reaching other colleges like Lee University. Students there skipped class to pray, and more healings followed. This shows how a return to biblical roots can unite young people across denominations. In a culture that often mocks faith, these students chose hope over despair—a bold stand for truth.

Critics doubted the revival, calling it just emotions or hype. But the fruits speak for themselves: broken families healed, addictions broken, and lives changed. True revival isn’t about feelings—it’s about surrendering to God’s plan. Asbury’s focus on Scripture and repentance kept the movement grounded, not chasing flashy signs.

Zach Meerkreebs grew up Jewish but found Christ at 16. His story of conversion highlights how God reaches people in unexpected ways. His new book, Lower, argues that humility—not loud preaching—is what fuels spiritual awakening. In a self-centered world, this message is a wake-up call: God resists the proud but lifts up the humble.

Two years later, the Asbury Revival still impacts churches nationwide. It proves that faith thrives when we reject division and seek common ground in Christ. While some dismiss miracles as “old-fashioned,” believers know God’s power never fades. This revival wasn’t a show—it was a reset, pointing America back to timeless truths.

In a time of chaos, the Asbury Revival offers hope. It reminds us that revival starts with ordinary people choosing prayer over politics, service over selfishness, and God’s Word over worldly wisdom. As one student said, “We just loved being with God and each other.” That simple faith could light the path forward for a nation in need.

Written by Keith Jacobs

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