
Felicia Sonmez’s Public Self-Immolation Was A Joy To Witness, According To Nolte

Isn’t this a lovely country?

Imagine being fired by the insufferably woke Washington Post for being insufferably woke.

What we saw was a spoilt brat who had spent her entire life harassing, threatening, flinging emotional blackmail, and posing as a victim, finally reaching her breaking point.

Felicia’s pride eventually got the best of her. She didn’t have to do anything. That is all there is to it. Her pride, however, would not allow it. Doing nothing would be an admission that she was wrong to publicly insult her colleagues and employer, in her woke-ravaged mind. So she set herself on fire to prove and convince herself that she was correct.

What a fool.

She’d already had her colleague Dave Weigel suspended for a month without pay, and it was all because of a smart joke: “Every girl is bi. You just have to figure out if it’s sexual or polar.” She won despite breaking several Post standards regarding public behavior by loudly ripping Weigel. She should have walked off the field with her scalp. Instead, another coworker irritated her to no end. She lost her mind when Jose De Real dared to chastise her for openly criticizing Weigel and the Post.

That individual!

That GUY!

How dare he!

I’ll boil his bunny!

What occurred next was really hilarious. She poured gasoline all over herself, slipped her head in a noose, lit a match, kicked away the stool, and immolated her name, reputation, and career prospects in a public tantrum fit for a baby who knows she’s wrong, can’t accept it, and intends to cover it up with brazen ugliness day after day for nearly a week.

I’ll show you how much I believe I’m correct by demonstrating how much I believe I’m correct!

Sorry, darling, but that’s not how it works in real life.

Sonmez has already tried and failed to sue the Post.

With another lawsuit against the Post for “wrongful termination,” the tantrum will continue.

So, kudos to us! This is far from over!

What’s next for Baby Felicia, aside from massive legal bills?

Who would hire someone who is unprofessional, narcissistic, and litigious? Felicia is a grenade that hasn’t exploded yet. In the office, who wants that?

Oh, she could go Substack, but who is her target audience?

The true joy comes from knowing how relieved the Post is to be free of this awful disease. Every tweet must have given management a big, wide grin, knowing she was repeatedly breaking corporate policy despite numerous warnings.

Baby Felicia was fired for insubordination, insulting, and denigrating her coworkers, and all of the evidence is on her verified Twitter account.

Admitting when you’re wrong, cutting your losses, apologising, and moving on are all part of being an adult — a well-rounded, relatively happy adult. That was never taught to Baby Felicia. Instead, she was coddled, babied, spoilt, and treated as a second-class citizen. She’s now a national laughingstock.

Someone didn’t love Baby Felicia enough to make her grow up, therefore she’s now a neurotic, miserable, and jobless villain.

I’m hoping she’ll learn from this, but I’m not optimistic. Perhaps someone else will.

In any case, thank you for bringing Twitter back to life. Felicia

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on Breit Bart News.

Written by Staff Reports

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