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Rubin’s Meat-Only Diet Transforms Health Amid Growing Nutrition Debate

Dave Rubin says his life changed after he tried a meat-only diet and started using special saunas. The talk show host lost big chunks of hair from stress before finding help through what some call “extreme” health methods. Rubin credits conservative thinker Jordan Peterson for pushing him to try eating only beef and other meats to fix his health problems.

The carnivore diet worked fast for Rubin – his hair grew back and he dropped weight quickly. This way of eating helped Jordan Peterson too, who says it cured his depression and other sicknesses. While doctors often push pills and veggies, Rubin argues that cutting out plants solved issues modern medicine couldn’t fix.

Infrared saunas became another key tool in Rubin’s health turnaround. These hot rooms use light waves to ease sore muscles and clean out toxins through sweat. Athletes use them to recover faster, but Rubin says they also help regular people handle stress better than meditation or yoga sometimes.

Some liberals mock meat-heavy diets and alternative treatments, but Rubin says they’re missing the point. He claims big food companies pushed unhealthy carbs for years while ignoring real solutions. His story shows how questioning mainstream advice can lead to better results than following government nutrition guidelines.

Rubin’s experience highlights a growing split in health approaches – one side trusting big pharma and processed foods, the other returning to simple ancestral habits. While critics call the carnivore diet dangerous, supporters point to success stories like Rubin’s as proof that modern diets make people sick.

The talk show host now argues that personal responsibility beats big government programs for improving health. He says letting people choose what works for their bodies – whether that’s eating steak daily or using hot therapy – leads to better outcomes than one-size-fits-all rules from health officials.

This story has sparked heated debates online about nutrition science and political bias in medicine. Some conservatives cheer Rubin for standing up to “woke” food policies, while liberals accuse him of promoting risky fads. Meanwhile, more Americans keep trying meat-only diets despite warnings from nutrition experts.

Rubin vows to keep sharing his health journey as proof that alternative methods work better than establishment solutions for many people. His message resonates with viewers tired of being told pills and salads are the only path to wellness in today’s divided culture wars over food and medicine.

Written by Keith Jacobs

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